Department Acheivements
Research wing
Best department by Award - September 2023
Highest Academic Score
Highest Number of Distinctions
Highest Average of Student’s Marks
Best Faculty 2020 Dr K P Senthilnathan
FOUNDER’S Day -2021
9th Best Department SIMATS
Massive Out Patient Census
Highest Patient Census
Saveetha omfs - 215 major maxillofacial surgical procedures performed in a month between 21st July to 20th August 2021- A proud moment for the team
Major OT Census
Minor Surgery OP
Faculty Awards and Accolades
Dr. M.R Muthusekhar -"Life time achievement award” by the Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons - Tamilnadu and Puducherry branch
Dr. Prof. M F Baig - “Life time achievement award” by the Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons - Tamilnadu and Puducherry branch
Royal College Of Surgeons - Glasgow
SIMATS OMFS in affiliation with Royal college of Surgeons Glasgow is the center for MFDS and MOMS examination
Dwijan Dental Research Center
Saveetha OMFS has a collaboration with Dwijan institute for training the Post Graduate residents in the field of Microvascular Surgery
Rai Memorial cancer Center
Saveetha OMFS. Has a collaboration with Rai Memoral Cancer Center to provide Radiation and medical oncologist care for Oral Cancer Patients at Subsidised cost.
TACT Academy
Saveetha OMFS has colloboraed wih ACT academy to train the post graduates and the Undergraduates in Basic and Advanced life Support to enhance their skills in Emergency care.