The OR Complex
Operating Room Facilities
6 State of the Art Operating Rooms
The Mafax building is equiped with 6 Oceinic OTs with state of art infrastructure with advanced equipment including pediatric ventilators for the management of Pediatric cases.
Frozen Section Facility
The OT complex is equipped with Microtome and Microscope to facilitate frozen section. This helps intra operative identification of the histological margins after cancer resections.
Carl Zeiss Operating Microscope
Multi veiwer carl Zeiss microscope wih 12.5 X magnificaion is an imporan addition to the surgical armamenarium as it facilitates microvascular anastomosis for facial reconstruction
The Wards
Recovery Room
In-Paient wards
Intensive Care Unit with ventilator
Virual Surgical Planning Studio
The enigma of surgical planning deciphered with VSP: The DICOM images from the CT are segmented with D2P software and converted by Geomagic software into STL format for 3D printing. All under one roof - from CT to 3 D printing.
Geomagic Software
Virual Surgical Planning
DMLS Laser Printer
Advanced Armamentarium
Dnamic Navigation System - Navident
Surgical Innovaion of intraoperative Navigation, the current state of art equipment applied for navigaing through surgically complex areas including Orbit, Brain
Cube Peizoelecric Knife
Exremel sophisicaed advanced armamentarium of the curren age ha prevens injur o the sof tissues while cuting through the Bone
Stryker Surgical Saw
Advanced equipment that facilitates prescise osteoom of the facial bones
Studio Room
No surgery can be missed by a eager learner- A studio room where students can visualize and learn form the mentors all the procedures that are live streamed from the operating room. A boon for the students.
Learning Resources - Library
Wih more han 495 titles of text books, 8 leading journals in the feild of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, the library is one of the best in the country. The round the clock faciliy of spacious and comforable Reading Room creates a perfect ambience for the students willing to invest their time in gaining knowledge.